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This page explains how to customize the default hub config and persist these changes in a standalone installation.

Extension Group

Inside the Fusion package, relative to the root, create the following directory:


As mentioned above, in this example, we extend the standalone installation, so Fusion extends itself using its own identifier as the extension group.


By default, the hub interacts with storage systems without authorization, allowing it to pull public packages. To enable the pulling of private packages and increase the API rate limit, you need to add a bearer token.

Generate a token with the appropriate permissions on your platform and configure related API in a hub.php file within the extension group directory. For example, if you are setting up the API for the default package registry, your file content might look like this:


return [
    "hub" => [
        "apis" => [
            // default registry API
            // keep or replace with yours
            // ""
            // ""
            // ""
            "" => [
                "tokens" => 
                    // token placeholder
                    // replace with valid one

Multiple Tokens

The value of the tokens key can be an array containing multiple tokens. These tokens can be optionally separated by nth segments of the source path. For example, the file content could be as follows:


return [
    "hub" => [
        "apis" => [

            // default registry API
            // keep or replace with yours
            // ""
            // ""
            // ""
            "" => [
                "tokens" =>

                // token placeholder
                // replace with valid one
            "" => [
                "tokens" => [

                    // all request

                    // path segment
                    // group identifier
                    "/valvoid" => [

                        // path segment
                        // package identifier
                        // only Fusion package manager request

The hub processes these tokens in reverse order, using the deepest tokens first and exchanging them if they are invalid.

For example, the source'php/'code/1.0.0 would match the following tokens in this pseudo config:

  • glpat-oRaiG...
  • glpat-cR8Q-g...

Custom APIs

If you develop your packages on a self-managed platform, such as GitLab, you can extend the config with custom API IDs as shown in the following example:


use Valvoid\Fusion\Hub\APIs\Remote\GitLab\GitLab;
use Valvoid\Fusion\Hub\APIs\Remote\GitHub\GitHub;
use Valvoid\Fusion\Hub\APIs\Remote\Bitbucket\Bitbucket;

return [
    "hub" => [
        "apis" => [

            // default registry API
            // keep or replace with yours
            // ""
            // ""
            // ""
            "" => [
                "tokens" =>

                // token placeholder
                // replace with valid one
            "" => [
                "api" => GitLab::class
                "tokens" => [

                    // all request
            "" => Bitbucket::class,
            "" => [
                "api" => GitHub::class
                "tokens" => "glpat-cR8Q-g..."