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fu Public | 1.x.x

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This page explains the steps to install Fusion as a standalone tool, which includes downloading it as a PHP package and setting it up as a system-wide executable.


Fusion requires at least PHP 8.1.0 to run. Check the installed version on your system by executing the following command in your terminal:

                php -v

Ensure the required curl and recommended zip extensions are available:

                php -m


If the zip extension is missing, Fusion will fall back to using the pre-built Phar extension to handle archives, which is more memory-intensive.


Download an archive of the latest release from GitLab to a location of your choice. Extract it there and rename the folder to "fusion." In the root directory of the extracted folder, you will find the "fusion" file, which serves as the default entry point for any interaction via the command line interface (CLI). In addition to the filename, CLI interaction also requires at least one trailing task name.

Since Fusion is also a package, we can use it recursively to demonstrate CLI interaction. In your terminal, set the working directory to the extracted folder and execute the fusion file by passing the build task command:

                php fusion build

Depending on the latest version, the output should be similar:

                 ___ _   _ ___ ___ ___  _  _
| __| | | / __|_ _/ _ \| \| |
| _|| |_| \__ \| | (_) | .` |
|_|  \___/|___/___\___/|_|\_|
boot via command line interface
execute build id

image internal metas
[=| valvoid/fusion | 1.0.2

build external metas
[+| valvoid/fusion | 1.0.2

categorize metas efficiently
[=| valvoid/fusion | 1.0.2

cache external packages

cache internal packages

refresh cached extension files
[=| valvoid/fusion | 1.0.2

inflate current packages
[=| valvoid/fusion | 1.0.2

register internal packages
[=| valvoid/fusion | 1.0.2

persist implication and references

stack new state

shift state

Internally, each task is a single action object that can be part of a group to handle complex workloads, such as the package manager update triggered above.

The build task handles external metadata, package info files outside the current project/package root, and requires helper tasks to perform the update. As the output above shows, the group starts with the image helper task, which is responsible for internal metadata files inside the root directory. Once both tasks are complete, the categorize helper task evaluates the results and, in this case, chooses to recycle the same valvoid/fusion | 1.0.2 package.

Since you already have the latest Fusion version, the extend, inflate, and register tasks regenerate the local package cache.

Global Executable

Usually, your working directory will be inside a project or one of its dependencies, rather than the root of the extracted Fusion folder. Since PHP requires the full path to the script unless you're inside the folder, running Fusion this way can be cumbersome. For example:

                php /whatever/full/path/fusion build

To simplify usage, let's make Fusion globally executable, allowing you to run it from any directory you're currently in, just by its name, such as:

                fusion build

Follow the steps that apply to your operating system:


In your terminal, navigate to the root of the extracted Fusion folder and create a symbolic link:

                sudo ln -s $PWD/fusion /usr/local/bin/fusion


First, ensure that the required /usr/local/bin directory exists by running the following command:

                sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin

Next, navigate to the root of the extracted Fusion folder and create a symbolic link:

                sudo ln -s $PWD/fusion /usr/local/bin/fusion


First, ensure that the required C:\bin directory exists by running the following PowerShell command:

                New-Item -Path "C:\bin" -ItemType Directory -Force

Next, navigate to the root of the extracted Fusion folder and create from there a batch file inside the C:\bin directory:

                Set-Content -Path "C:\bin\fusion.bat" -Value "@php $PWD\fusion %*"

Finally, add the directory C:\bin to the Path variable:

  • Open the Start menu, search for "Environment Variables," and select "Edit the system environment variables."
  • In the "System Properties" window, click on "Environment Variables."
  • Under "System variables," find and select the Path variable, then click "Edit."
  • Click "New" and add C:\bin to the list, then click "OK" to apply the changes.
  • Restart your PowerShell session for the changes to take effect.


Once the setup is complete, let's use Fusion as an example package again. In your terminal, set the working directory to any subdirectory within the extracted package manager folder (not the root directory containing the "fusion" file), then run the build command again:

                fusion build

The output should be the same as in the Package section above.