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On This Page

This page explains the basic steps for creating a new package. For the complete result of this example, see the GitLab repository. Note that this repository contains content for other examples as well, as the documentation uses a single package for all examples.


Select or create an empty directory of your choice. In this directory, create the production file fusion.json with the following content:

    "name": "Package",
    "description": "Basic example package.",
    "id": "valvoid/package",
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "structure": {
        "/cache": "cache"
    "environment": {
        "php": {
            "version": "8.1.0"

Note that, in particular, the inline logical expression 8.1.0 and the cache indicator differ from the schema. This is due to the parsing process. Metadata files are optimized for developer input, while the schema represents the output for the logic. The normalized output data is essential because, as explained in the "Extensions" chapter, the Fusion logic is customizable.

Therefore, the optimized developer input properties are:

  • The cache indicator is always a value of a nested directory key.
  • The directory in general:
    • Is always an associative key.
    • Starts with a leading forward slash /.
    • Segments are separated by forward slash.
    • Relative to the package root.
  • The inline expression schema examples inside paragraphs, such as:
    • ==8.1.0 || (>=8.2.0 && !=8.2.5)
    • >=8.1.0 && <9.0.0

By the way, if your package also has cacheable content, such as logs, you can set the Fusion cache to a nested /cache/fusion directory and share or recycle the structure. Just customize the directory as needed.


Actually, the metadata file already represents a processable package, but like in most use cases, let's add some code. In the root directory, create the /src directory and within it, create the file Package.php with the following lazy code content:


namespace Valvoid\Package;

class Package
    public function sayHi(): void
        echo "Hi, lazy package here!";

For the nested ASAP code, create the /Util directory within the /src directory and within it, create the file util.php with the following content:


namespace Valvoid\Package\Util
    function sayHi(): void 
        echo "Hi, ASAP package util here!";

Individual Usage

In your terminal, set the working directory to any directory within the package and execute the following inflate command:

                fusion inflate

After running the command, the /cache directory will include the /loadable directory, containing the following individual cached files:

lazy.php - Lazy code registry:

// Auto-generated by Fusion package manager. 
// Do not modify.
return [
    'Valvoid\Package\Package' => '/src/Package.php',

asap.php - As soon as possible (ASAP) code registry:

// Auto-generated by Fusion package manager. 
// Do not modify.
return [

These files contain individual package code registries and are useful, for example, when setting up internal scripts. To see how this works, create a script.php file in the root directory with the following content:


use Valvoid\Package\Package;

$asap = require __DIR__ . "/cache/loadable/asap.php";
$lazy = require __DIR__ . "/cache/loadable/lazy.php";

foreach ($asap as $file)
    require __DIR__ . $file;

spl_autoload_register(function (string $loadable) use ($lazy)
    require __DIR__ . $lazy[$loadable];

$package = new Package;

echo "\n";

Running this script should output:

                Hi, lazy package here!
Hi, ASAP package util here!

Common Usage

In your terminal, set the working directory to any directory within the package and execute the following register command:

                fusion register

After running the command, the /cache directory will include the Autoloader.php file, which contains the inflated code of all packages. This file is useful for integrating the code of multiple packages into a single project, such as a website.

To see this in action, create a /public directory in the root directory, and within it, create an index.php file with the following content:


use Valvoid\Package\Package;

require __DIR__ . "/../cache/Autoloader.php";

$autoloader = Autoloader::init();
$package = new Package;

echo "\n";

Running this script should produce the following output:

                Hi, lazy package here!
Hi, ASAP package util here!