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Each time you run Fusion, it retrieves all current settings from the inner config array, a monolithic data consisting of sequential and associative entries. This page explains the schema of the log part of these entries.

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The stream entry configures the log output within the standard stream.


The threshold entry contains the upper limit for categorizing events as loggable or non-loggable. By default, events at or below the INFO level are considered loggable.

                $config["log"]["serializers"]["stream"]["threshold"] = \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::INFO;

Regardless of the set value, each event is evaluated against all possible levels in a fixed top-down sequence:

  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::DEBUG
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::VERBOSE
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::INFO
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::NOTICE
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::WARNING
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::ERROR

For example, with the default value set to INFO, events at the INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, and ERROR levels will be logged.


The serializer entry contains the fully qualified class name that handles the serialization of log events.

                $config["log"]["serializers"]["stream"]["serializer"] = \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Serializers\Streams\Terminal\Terminal::class;

In addition to the default terminal serializer, you can specify other serializers, such as:

  • The pre-built \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Serializers\Streams\JSON\JSON::class.
  • Any custom serializer implementation.


The file entry configures the log output within cached files. These files are stored in the nested log directory inside the cache directory.


The threshold entry contains the upper limit for categorizing events as loggable or non-loggable. By default, events at or below the WARNING level are considered loggable.

                $config["log"]["serializers"]["file"]["threshold"] = \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::WARNING;

Regardless of the set value, each event is evaluated against all possible levels in a fixed top-down sequence:

  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::DEBUG
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::VERBOSE
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::INFO
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::NOTICE
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::WARNING
  • \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Events\Level::ERROR

For example, with the default value set to WARNING, events at the WARNING and ERROR levels will be logged.


The filename entry contains a date format for naming the file that stores the cached events. By default, Fusion groups the events by day, using a format like "2024.05.02".

                $config["log"]["serializers"]["file"]["filename"] = "Y.m.d";

In addition to the default value, the value can also be one of the following:

  • Y.m, such as "2024.12".
  • Y.m.d_H:i, such as "2024.12.01_20:01".
  • Y.m.d_H, such as "2024.04.09_07".
  • Y, such as "2024".

The format constants are taken from the standard date function, where the Y stands for a four-digit year, the m for a two-digit month, the d for a two-digit day, the H for a two-digit hour of the 24-hour loop, and the i for a two-digit minute. For more, see the official PHP documentation.


The serializer entry contains the fully qualified class name that handles the serialization of log events.

                $config["log"]["serializers"]["file"]["serializer"] = \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Serializers\Files\Text\Text::class;

In addition to the default text serializer, you can specify other serializers, such as:

  • The pre-built \Valvoid\Fusion\Log\Serializers\Files\JSON\JSON::class.
  • Any custom serializer implementation.