Fusion is a package manager for PHP-based projects. It increases productivity by handling all the processable redundant micromanagement that occurs during development, deployment, and maintenance.
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The architectural approach is partly based on graph theory, where everything is an abstract nth graph vertex. In this context, each vertex is a modular package node. Your current project, each of its dependencies, and even the package manager itself, everything is a modular package node.
Since all these nodes are arbitrary linkable to each other and to themselves, among others, the following automated key features are possible:
- Nested and standalone package logic at the same time.
- Recursive project updates/upgrades.
- Common top-down stackable package extensions.
- Even recursive.
- Separated environment builds.
As mentioned above, Fusion is also a package itself, and in addition, it provides the interface-based config for custom implementations, such as:
- Management logic.
- Replace the default download or build implementation.
Remote and local package hubs.
- Add own registry.
Log serializers.
- Get whatever you implement output.
Configure, extend, customize, use as a dependency or standalone, Fusion is easy to integrate and adapts seamlessly.